A start-up tour in the entrepreneurial world of Jessica Stark
The Story.
Stockholm has been called the “Unicorn capital of the world”, or the “Unicorn Factory”. In fact, more billion-dollar unicorn startups have been produced in Stockholm per capita than in any other city in Europe. So if you are wondering where you can find up-and-coming entrepreneurs in Stockholm then sign up for this inspiring startup tour with Jessica Stark. With many years of know-how in the industry the “Startup mother” of Stockholm, Jessica Stark, will be your personal guide and door opener to Stockholm´s startup community. She explains how the entrepreneurial scene started, developed, and turned into an established startup scene. More interesting are her own reflections and stories concerning her challenges as an early initiator in a very competitive scene.
This informal educational day also includes face-to-face discussions, on-site learning activities, behind-the-scenes experiences and interactive encounters with founders, creators, visionaries, experts and entrepreneurs – all who are storytellers of a business idea. The tour gives you behind the scenes access to the Stockholm Startup ecosystem where Jessica introduces you to creative leaders who educate, simplify, motivate and launch entire movements. This will help to ignite your own inner fire and provide valuable inspiration for your own life. With Jessica´s insider knowledge you have the chance to acquire deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities within Stockholm’s entrepreneurial world. The aim is to strengthen your understanding of a company´s creativity while sharing experiences and learning from different industry sectors. Tell us which innovation related topics interest you the most and we will make sure we get you the best stories to bring home with you.
The Profile.
Jessica Stark is one of Sweden’s most influential entrepreneurs, frequently cited in the media and involved in many business ventures. She has been working with business start-ups for the past 15 years and is specialized within innovation, entrepreneurship, networking, business development and leadership & business culture. Her big breakthrough came with her role as co-founder and CEO of the startup cluster SUP46 (Start-Up People of Sweden) which developed into one of Europe´s leading hubs for fast-growing tech companies in 2013. Jessica quickly gained the nickname “startup mother” based on her passion for maturing the Swedish startup ecosystem and empowering the growth of companies. Jessica currently runs her own agency focusing on business development and boardroom work but she also participates in many international networks. Her involvement and effort has been awarded many times, amongst others, by the global business platform BNI (Business Network International) as “Business Networker of the Year” in Sweden and by EU-Startups as “Europe’s most influential women in the startup and venture capital space”.
When Jessica shuts down her laptop, she loves to be out in nature, take long walks with her dog, sailing, gardening or DIY on her house. It gives her peace of mind. The competitive instinct and drive to perform is something that has characterized most of Jessica’s life. Her life philosophy is “To dare, is to lose one’s foothold for a little while – not to dare, is to lose oneself”. The dream of becoming a film star is unfortunately still on ice, but for her daughter, Jessica has instead become a successful storyteller.
What was the biggest challenge in her career? How did Jessica become a flambéing enthusiast? In which sport did she perform as one of the best in Sweden when only 11 years old? Which animal is she at war with in Ekerö where she lives? Which of the many startup businesses are her favourite?
Story includes:
- Set-up of program based on your topics of interest
- Half or full day of inspiring startup visits (2-4 companies)
- Learn directly from entrepreneurs and innovation experts
- Learn more about new business trend
- Personal connection to startups
- The tour is led by expert guide in the field (Jessica)
- Coffee, tea and soft drinks
- Transportation
- Personal stories from Jessica Stark to bring home
All the year around
Additional Activities:
Innovation & leadership workshops
Price Range:
from €€€